my take on the “In The Beginning” series

Let me start out by saying that the series In The Beginning has been really interesting. The part that keeps sticking out to me is the constant undertone that goes “If we don’t get the beginning right it can mess up everything!” How true in many ways that is! Our whole lives are shaped by beginnings. Our worldview, family life, relationships, jobs, and even where we eat is all bent on a first experience, or what most of us call, a first impression.

The impressions we make the first time we meet someone causes them to carry a view of us for a long time. So for the next job interview we put on our best, comb our hair…maybe even shower. We do this because they need to know that we’re capable and they only have the first 2-3 seconds after seeing us for the first time to make that decision.

The growth and beginnings of life is extremely important in our world as well. Our parents, friends, even siblings and distant relatives shape our outlook on life. The beginning stages of all that we end up becoming is affected by how we were raised. Hopefully, for some of us, it doesn’t become something we blame or can’t make a decision to get out of. Change happens for sure, and through the Spirit God gives us the power to make good decisions that change a long line of bad decisions. But nevertheless, all those things we experienced from the beginning of our life until now has had an effect on how we interact with other and respond to circumstances.

So why is the beginning important?

Honestly, it’s becoming more clear to me that getting the Beginning right determines how the rest of the Bible will be interpreted. If we don’t believe God created the world, that sin entered the world because of Adam and Eve, and that death was caused by sin, we have a very important question to ask ourselves: Why did God send Jesus to die for our sins? If God didn’t create all this, does right and wrong really exist? (Oops. Other questions arise from the Beginning that don’t have to do with science sometimes.)

You see, our Christian faith is hinged on the validity of the Creation account. If God did not create the world, then the Bible is nothing more than the oldest self-help book known to man. It’s a waste of time to come and be a part of this Christian thing. But if He did create all this, we’ve been presented with an opportunity to know this Creator, His apparent and deliberate love for us, and reestablish something that’s been messed up since shortly after the beginning. If it starts with God, then God is the One who can save us from the mistake we made in eating the forbidden. If God left His impression on all the things we see (nature, the good in humanity), the beginning matters a lot.

You see, our Christian faith is hinged on the validity of the Creation account.

I’m convinced, not just because I grew up in a Christian home and went to church all my life. My understanding of Christianity is that it’s a belief system based on convincible evidence that dictates a way of living (wow, bigger words than I’m used to using). These things have been brought to me by all sides. I’ve even gone and studied the differences. It’s obvious that there’s a lot of holes in the old earth theory that can’t be ignored. And quite frankly, it seems as though that any time the holes are brought up, that those who’s faith is founded upon an old earth try to put a mat over the hole by shutting up any other question, thought, or comment that might suggest Intelligent Design. The hole is still there, just covered up. But in the arguments of the Christian debaters and scientists, they tend to fill the holes using an explanation and evidence of a younger earth with a more simplistic and even more logical answers. They tend to welcome the debate instead of shut it down (why is that?). I have one request and I believe it’s fair: Can you deal with the holes, or fill them? If you can’t, then what exactly are you trying to prove? And from the scientist’s point of view, I would infer that their responses lean toward an attempt to debunk the existence of God. If that’s the case, and you find yourself leaning in one direction or the other, you’re staring at a decision of the heart. This series has exposed heart issues. For those who don’t believe that God created, a shaken foundation. For those who do believe, the increase of a solid foundation.

This series has exposed heart issues.

So again, I’m convinced that this is God’s creation. And I tell you what, every time I step out the door I’m reminded of the first impressions of God. I can walk confidently in the fact that His “first impressions” on my life is a for real Jesus-died-for-my-sins-and-now-I’m-saved moment.





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