Category: Uncategorized

  • My Sweet Evening

    Good Morning, Afternoon, or Night. This morning I lay in bed, as I imagine many mothers do, unable to completely fall back to sleep after getting up and down with a child, a bathroom trip, and what I thought was a child getting up only to find they must have been talking in their sleep.…

  • God Sight

    “I in them, and Thou in Me…Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love Me…that the love wherewith Thou didst love Me may be in them, and I in them.” -John 17:23b, 26b This past Sunday during communion I went searching in John (probably my favorite gospel, if you’re allowed…

  • A Fool

    Do people think you’re a fool? Sometimes I wonder if I’m viewed that way. We’re really defined by our actions. Our actions are brought about by our thought process and how we handle situations. We consider our choices based on our wisdom or maturity. I was reading in 1 Corinthians 1:18 and following about foolishness…

  • Something Disturbing

    So something came up this past week that kind of threw me. It was amazing and disturbing all at the same time. The other night I was invited to work at the Casting Crowns concert in town (which was really neat) and got a free t-shirt and ticket to the show. The band really did…

  • New Lead Pastor!

    Well, in case you’re wondering, we have hired a new lead pastor! We’re really excited about his family moving here. He’ll be moving out here soon. If you want to know more, check out the link to the right for Meridian Point Church and catch up with what’s going on in our lives in ministry.Today…

  • I’ll Be Praying For You…

    How many times have we said that phrase? People pour out their souls to us and that’s the best we can come up with in response. I know that I’ve said it multiple times. Have you ever come accross someone that you said that to and then realized that you could have been an answer…

  • The Response

    “Hello!” Normally people respond with a “hello” back… It sure seems like it’s been forever since I put anything up on this ol’ thing. But something struck me as interesting this past week and I have to share it with you.Are you a parent? A boss? Or want to be a boss? I actually do…

  • Please Pray!

    Hi all! I know, it has been an extremely long time since I’ve written anything, but lots of things have been happening. Currently our church is seeking a new lead pastor. Please be in prayer over this. Our late pastor has resigned and is seeking new ministry or a job. Please also really be in…

  • Neat Video

    Y’all just might want to check out this video. Kinda neat to watch…very powerful. Reminds me that there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love.

  • It’s a sad thing…

    Well, we weren’t quite sure when it would happen, but one of our puppies died today. It’s quite unfortunate. She was the runt and was born with a defect in her left hind leg. As a result and as hard as we tried to keep this from happening, she wasn’t strong enough to fight her…