Category: Uncategorized
Do You Worry?
There’s a lot of skepticism on worry and the Bible. I’ve heard many people say that because their a parent and/or a spouse, it’s their job to worry about their kids or wife or husband. Or, because of the fragility of their work, it’s okay to worry about their job. Trust is a hard thing…
Quick Reminder 3
For the believer, citizenship is in heaven. Isn’t it nice to know? I’m faced with a new scenario in my life. Questions of my lifestyle come up constantly within myself as Christ overtakes and overcomes more and more of me. Philippians 3:17-21 is where I’m at today. I notice here that an example has been…
Quick Reminder 2
This post is based off the last one a little bit. The story doesn’t end about us needing reminders of the same understanding we’ve come to over and over again. There’s one thing we must remember all the time: I’m not there yet. Ever get to the point where you believe there’s nothing left to…
Quick Reminder
Sometimes it seems as though I’ve already read this. Ever get that way? Deja vu in reading, learning, or whatever. Here it goes again, the same ole, same ole. Nothing different…maybe. We are a forgetful people. I’ve played the same songs during worship services over and over again and still forget the lyrics or the…
It’s Convenient
Have you ever heard the phrase, “How convenient” used? I use it a lot, usually in a sarcastic term, like when I drop something and spill it all over the floor. Convenience is nice. It’s nice that the grocery store is less than 2 minutes away. It’s nice to have the theater just 3 minutes…
Life Is…
Remember the Charlie Brown verbiage? Happiness is…a warm blanket. I’m reminded of that right now. But I’m going to change it for a few minutes to begin with “Life is…” instead of the happiness thing. Think for a moment and fill in the blank: Life is _________. What is it? I’ve been reading in Philippians…
The Peace
Yup, still in John. Now I’ve made it to chapter 20 which is where I’ll be coming from today. There’s so much in there I can’t ignore but must share. Sometimes I think we look at the resurrection of Jesus and play it off. We pay much attention to Jesus’ life, which is extremely important.…
The Side of Truth
What is truth? That famous question from Pilate to Jesus left unanswered in that moment. Just a few verses back Jesus tells us what truth is: God’s Word. At the beginning of his gospel, John explains Who the Word is: Jesus. Jesus tells Pilate that He came to testify to the truth. Pilate asked for…
Psalm 16
Psalm 16 New International Version (NIV) Psalm 16 A miktam of David. 1 Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. 2 I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”3 I say of the holy people who are in the land, “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”4 Those who…
Jesus on Trial
Okay, I couldn’t come up with any title that fit well with what I’m going to convey. All I can say is that when Jesus went to trial before Annas the high priest, I feel like Annas sometimes. This has everything to do with the trial Jesus had and what I’m learning about myself. John…